The one thing I cherish and miss the most about being young is the fitness level. You see, no matter how hard I try, I can't be fit and old. My antique limbs just won't carry out those next one-hundred steps needed to get my daily exercise done for the day. If it's not my back one day, it's my hip the other. When I was twenty, the only thing I had to worry about was cramping from running 5-miles. I was young and fit and I looked amazing. That's another thing I miss: a fit, toned, body. I was still young enough to maintain a fast metabolism, so I didn't gain weight as fast as I do now. Without even preparing, running two-miles was an easy task to complete. When I was twenty, I remember running three-miles every morning I felt like running. Now, I never feel like running, and even if I did, I wouldn't make the first hundred meters.
When I turned twenty-one, it was a big deal. I was able to drink without breaking the rules and that was something I took advantage of the following days. I had a party with my closest friends and we went out to the clubs and danced. Those friends were probably the best I ever had (minus the high school friends I had, referred to on page 38) and they made that party fun. Not only did I have fun... I was pretty, how you say, drunk, by the end of the night. I have to admit, it wasn't my first time drinking alcohol, but it was my first time drinking it in considerable amounts (since I was legal and all). It was the first time I got fully drunk and the first time I vomited on myself before falling asleep. Both engagingly trippy and disgusting. I think that's what led me to be such a straightedge when I turned 32 (skip to page 231 for more). Either that, or the fact that alcohol and drugs aren't good for the mind or body. But I didn't know that when I was twenty, so I guess that was one downfall to being young: being extremely ignorant and naive. However, at the time, I didn't care. I was young, smart, and good-looking, so what does that matter to me?
My early twenties was also when I finished up college. I earned my Master's degree in Pharmaceutical studies at the age of 22, and it was well worth it. After studying at University of Illinois, I think I deserved the degree and I did great things (if I do say so myself). I opened up a small pharmacy in my hometown (Saipan*) and at first, business was a bit slow. I earned probably $85,000 a year for the first 2-3 years, so it was enough to get by. Living by myself was worth it, because I didn't have to deal with neighbors or annoying friends that I loved, but didn't want to have to see every day.
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